
Centre Tarraconense El Seminari is also a space for hosting the various pastoral tasks that take place in the archdiocese.
Among others, these include monthly training for priests, summer bible study, diocesan Cáritas meetings, meetings and conferences of various diocesan delegations, archpriest’s meetings, prayer vigils, liturgical celebrations, concerts, training courses via the Saint Fructuosus Higher Institute for Religious Sciences (Instituto Superior de Ciencias Religiosas San Fructuoso), and also the activities of the Fundació Santa María de Siurana
Main chapel
Neogothic chapel, located in the heart of the building, and connecting the two cloisters. From the atrium of the main entrance, access is via a grand staircase.
The magnificent 19th-century neoclassical library of the Pontifical Seminary contains important bibliographical and documentary resources dating back to the 13th century. It boasts more than 100,000 volumes, many of which are incunable.
It is joined by a library open to the public that sees significant educational and academic use, offering space for reflection, work and dialogue for all those who see culture as a value through which to understand the contemporary world.
The Saint Fructuosus Higher Institute for Religious Sciences (ISCR Sant Fructuós / INSAF) is the academic institution of the Archdiocese of Tarragona, offering civilly and ecclesiastically recognised qualifications in Religious Sciences at baccalaureate and degree level.
The goal of ISCR Sant Fructuós is the education of the faithful — lay or clergy — in the enrichment of their Christian life through the capacity to back their faith with reason.
The Santa Maria de Siurana Foundation is one of the province of Tarragona’s leading educational organisations, offering high-quality educational and guidance services.
In 1968 the Major Seminary was moved to Barcelona so that seminarians could study in the Faculty of Theology, and it remains there to the present day. The dioceses of Tarragona, Girona, Solsona, Urgell and Vic — later joined by Lleida and later still, Tortosa — began joint training of their seminarians in the 1988-89 academic year, in the building at Carrer del Casp, 49 — the current Interdiocesan Major Seminary